All the articles I've posted.
Avoiding Common Mistakes with TanStack Query Part 1
Published:TanStack Query is probably the most popular library for fetching data in React. It is simple and powerful, but there are some common mistakes I see repeated.
Remix is Fun, a somewhat simple app with Google Auth
Published:Remix is new, but as it turns out it is really fun to develop
Create your own IMDB Top 250 challenge
Published:I swear this pandemic will never end. Thus, I wanted to watch every movie I haven't watched from IMDB Top 250 list...
Achieving more immersion with some automation
Published:I bought a game that I wanted to play for a long time: Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2)...
Hey, it's Jamstack time
Published:I made this blog with Gatsby on February (Edit 2021, not anymore). I though 2020 would be a good year, I would write more and have a healthier life...
Fetching Data With Custom React Hooks
Published:So there I was, bored during 'Great Covid Social Distancing', I have come across a Wes Bos's video about fetching data with React Hooks...
GraphQL API with Typescript / TypeORM + TypeGraphQL
Published:I like GraphQL, a lot. Especially if I'm doing a small project and don't want to deal with defining endpoints and optimizing them for their usage...